About me

I am an Assistant Professor (tenure-track) in Medical Image Analysis at the Eindhoven University of Technology.

My primary research interest is to improve the robustness and reliability of deep learning models for medical image analysis in order to realise the full potential of AI in clinical practice. To achieve this I am:

  • exploring data-efficient (self-supervised, unsupervised,…) learning to exploit large unlabelled clinical databases.
  • embedding domain knowledge and incorporating prior anatomical, physical, and clinical information in model architectures to improve efficacy.
  • understanding when AI will fail, using out-of-distribution detection.
  • leveraging generative AI with a view to using synthetic images in model training and improving the quality of clinical data.

I am particularly interested in the automated analysis of quantitative cardiac MRI data, and I am currently working with a team of students and collaborators towards this goal.

Previously, I studied Mathematical Sciences at University College Cork, Ireland. After that I did a PhD using AI to automate quantitative stress perfusion cardiac MR with Amedeo Chiribri at King’s College London, where I later held an early-career postdoc fellowship from the Wellcome/EPSRC Centre for Medical Engineering on AI-enabled quantitative cardiac magnetic resonance.

Please get in touch if you are interested in discussing my work, future collaborations or opportunities.


George Boole, the first Professor of Mathematics at University College Cork.